CommuniGate Client Troubleshooting
Starting Up
Whenever the CommuniGator application is launched, the computer crashes. Check if:
- The Adobe Type Reunion version 1.x is installed; if yes, contact Adobe to get the updated version.
- The CommuniGate Client Modules file (in your Extensions folder) is not too old; get the latest version from the same archive you took your CommuniGator application from.
Attempts to connect to the CommuniGate Server using a non-Postmaster user name fail. The message "Your name is unknown to the CommuniGate Server" appears. Connect to the CommuniGate Server as Postmaster and open the Users submenu from the Server menu.
- Check that the User with the proper name is registered.
- Open that User resource and check that the Can Connect option is selected.
While it is possible to connect to the CommuniGate Server using the CommuniGator application directly on the server computer, attempts to connect to the same account via network fail. The CommuniGate Server name does not appear in the Program Linking dialog box (the box with the "Select the CommuniGate Server computer" prompt). Check that:
- The proper AppleTalk Zone is selected in the Program Linking dialog box (if your network has zones).
- The Sharing Setup control panel on the Server computer indicates that the Program Linking option is on.
While it is possible to connect to the CommuniGate Server using the CommuniGator application directly on the server computer, attempts to connect to the same account via network fail. Themessage "Sorry, this user name was refused" is displayed. Check that:
- This user name is registered with the Users&Groups control panel on the Server computer. The name should be exactly the same as the name you use for that account.
- the Users&Groups window for that user has the Program Linking option selected.
If your CommuniGate Server is an AppleShare server, too, that computer does not have the Users&Groups control panel. Check with the AppleShare manual how to register users and how to allow them to Link to Programs on the server computer.
Runtime Problems
The CommuniGator application stops working with the Server, the "Time-Out" message appears. Check:
- Your server computer may be too busy running some other non-cooperative application (like a file-backup software), so your CommuniGate Server cannot process client requests (note that this does not cause the CGate Server to drop external mail,fax,etc connections, since they are all interrupt-driven).
- If your CommuniGate Server is NOT busy, and other users do not have problems accessing the server, the problem is on your client computer. The current version of MacOS uses free out-of-application memory to build data structures for Apple Events. If your memory is full (the About Macintosh window in the Finder shows 0 free memory), communications with the server will fail.
CommuniGate is a trademark of STALKER SOFTWARE, INC.